Success and the Kingdom of God
Sep 11, 2024
This week we were in St Petersburg, Florida with Nate Goad and Generation Church, helping launch their monthly business groups. This involves some focused content over the next six months that will facilitate connection, training and activation in practical partnership with God at work and engaging in the wellbeing of their city. If you are interested in running groups like this don't hesitate to reach out to us as we develop cohesive content that make this format easy for busy business leaders!
In setting up the group we laid foundations of success and kingdom of God. If you don't know what you are aiming at then how do you know if you are on the right track?
- You love Jesus and serve Him fully. Psalm 103. Let all that is within me bless His holy name.
- You love business/work. Business is simply the vehicle by which we add value to others. Money is a certificate of value (Rabbi Daniel Lapin).
- You believe that your work is worship. In the bible, the root word for work, worship and service is the same.
- You believe business is the space for you to express/build the kingdom of God. It is your area of operation - where God has gifted and placed you.
- You don't just want to participate; you want to win. You want to do well and are ambitious in a healthy way to achieve all that Christ paid for. See Philippians 3:7-14 and 1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
Given, these assumptions, what does success look like as a Kingdom Business?
How do you measure this? What are the metrics?
The Kingdom of God is the administration and operating system of Jesus. It gives you power over sin, power over systems and power over satan. For a free assessment and one page summary click here.
When all the fluff and fuzz and ego metrics are removed, three key questions must be answered to know whether you are succeeding in the kingdom of God.
1. Are you walking in obedience? Jesus said, "If you love me you will obey my commands." Matthew 7:21. John 14:15. Why do you call Jesus, "Lord, Lord" but not do what He says? Luke 6:46
2. Are you growing in connection with the King - Jesus? If we do a bunch of awesome achievements, like serving hundreds of people, or discipling thousands of employees, or giving away millions of dollars, or eradicating tropical diseases, or ending poverty... but don't continually grow in personal relationship with Him, we are at risk of losing eternally. Matthew 7:21-23. John 17:3
3. Are you growing in fulfillment of your assignment? Before you were born, God knew you, formed you and created good works for you to walk in. You were created with a purpose. Don't bury (hide) your talent, even in the good soil of a local ministry, when God has called you to be an entrepreneur. Don't try to copy someone else when God has made you unique! Jeremiah 29:11. Ephesians 2:10. John 17:4. Matthew 25.
In each of these three core questions to know whether you are succeeding in the kingdom of God, the only person to truly know the answer is you. And how would you know? Your greatest need is to know how to hear the voice of God. That's why we wrote the book Listen Up! Hearing God at Work and you can get your copy on Amazon starting this Sunday September 15th. Alternatively, click here to purchase a pre-release signed copy (USA shipping only).
Tools to help you succeed in kingdom business:
The word of God - daily ✅
Asking for wise counsel - personal and professional ✅
Engaging in authentic community ✅
Remembering and repeating testimony of what God is doing ✅
Protecting time to listen to the voice of God ✅
Regularly praying impossible prayers ✅
Continually walking in forgiveness of self and others ✅
So, how do you get started?
There are many resources to help you grow and you will find many of them on this website. Simply put you need to grow in excellence at your craft, grow in godly character and grow in connection with the Holy Spirit who is the One that teaches you all things and crushes satan under your feet. See Romans 16:19.
If you want to grow with us on a weekly basis, join the Heaven in Business community with a free trial so you can opt out any time you want.
If you want to launch a group of people to grow in partnership with God at work and would love to access our resources, talk to us.
If you want to grow in clarity and confidence hearing God's voice in your daily work grab a copy of Listen Up! Hearing God at Work. 1. Live on Amazon September 15th, 2024 2. Grab a signed copy here