How to Stay Sane When Life Feels Overwhelming

business planning overwhelmed peace pressure time management Feb 24, 2025

This week is a whirlwind. we just moved all our furniture into storage, are still camping out on a couple of mattresses, finalizing details for our Queenstown retreat and meetings in five nations over the next two months, sorting out change of address and mail collection while we are away, preparing to speak in a church next sunday, and—oh yeah—hosting a major conference. The details feel endless. My mind is jumping from one thing to another, and honestly, it would be easy to feel overwhelmed.

But here’s the good news:
✅ Conference numbers and revenue are back up and over pre-2020 levels.
✅ Queenstown retreat? Fully booked. Fully awesome.
✅ We have some replacement tenants to take over our lease saving six months contract rent!

Even in the chaos, there’s progress. So how do I stay sane and actually get things done without running myself into the ground? Here’s what I’m doing, and maybe it’ll help you too.

  1. Write It Down

When my mind is spinning, the best thing I can do is get it out of my head and onto paper. I make a list of everything that needs to happen, then I prioritize. What has to get done today? What can wait? The act of writing it down brings clarity and order to the mental chaos.

  1. Walk and Pray in the Spirit

Instead of letting stress drive me, I choose to shift my focus to God’s presence. A quick walk while praying in the Spirit (see 1Corinthians 14:15) re-centers me. It’s not about emptying my mind—it’s about filling it with truth, peace, and perspective.

  1. Be Aware of Mental Overload

I’ve noticed my brain bouncing from one thing to another, trying to hold onto too much at once. When that happens, I pause, acknowledge it, and intentionally refocus on just one thing. What is the next best thing to do right now?

  1. Move My Body

When overwhelm creeps in, I drop and do some push-ups. If I have more time, I go to the gym at the end of the day. Physical movement resets my brain and reminds me that I’m in control of my energy, not the other way around.

  1. Hug My Wife 

When life gets busy, it’s easy to get stuck in task mode and forget connection. Taking a moment to stop and hug my wife isn’t just good for our marriage—it’s good for my soul.

  1. Ask Holy Spirit for Help

There’s no better strategist, no better problem-solver, no better source of peace than the Holy Spirit. Instead of carrying the weight of everything on my own, I ask Him for help. What’s the best way to approach this? What am I missing? He always has an answer.

  1. Give Grace (To Myself and Others)

In high-pressure seasons, it’s easy to get short with people—including myself. I remind myself: Be kind. Everyone is doing their best, including me. Perfection isn’t the goal. Progress is.

  1. Celebrate the Small Wins

At the end of the day, I could focus on what’s left to do—or I could celebrate what’s already been done. Every completed task, every decision made, every step forward is a success. Acknowledging progress keeps me from feeling stuck in the never-ending to-do list.

Final Thought: Choose Peace

Instead of saying, “I have too much to do”, I remind myself: “I get to do this. I am fully equipped for this moment.”

Overwhelm is real, but so is peace. I get to choose which one I walk in.

And right now? I choose peace.

What’s your go-to strategy for staying sane in overwhelming seasons? Let me know in the comments.