Reflecting on Our Journey and How Listening to God Shapes Our Next Move

business planning hearing god strategic planning strategy Sep 25, 2024
Hearing God

Two years ago, we made a big move from California to Pennsylvania. Now, we find ourselves on the road again, this time heading to Tennessee. As I look back on this transition and prepare for what lies ahead, it’s encouraging to revisit what we heard from God during that time, how we applied those insights, and what we’re refining in our business and personal strategy. If you’re navigating change or seeking to hear God more clearly in your work, this journey might offer some valuable lessons.

Listen to the podcast here.

Hearing God in Strategy: What We Applied

In our previous move, one of the most transformative things we did was intentionally seek God’s voice in shaping our business strategy. You may ask, "Does God really care about my business plans?" Absolutely! However, hearing from Him doesn't always guarantee financial success, but it does provide clarity, focus, and a holistic approach that fosters emotional, spiritual, and even financial growth.

For Heaven in Business, listening to God sharpened our vision, which has remained the same for over a decade: to catalyze 1 million businesspeople to partner with God at work and engage in the wellbeing of their cities. This isn't just a vague mission. It’s rooted in the belief that work is the primary place we forge our friendship with God. Just as God placed Adam in the garden to work, He invites us to walk with Him in our daily jobs, no matter what challenges we face.

Insights from Titus: Refining Focus and Strategy

A significant turning point came from my deep dive into the Book of Titus. For weeks, I read this book daily, allowing it to shape how I approach leadership and strategy. In Titus 1:5, Paul instructs Titus to “set in order what is lacking and appoint leaders in every city.” This charge resonated deeply with me and helped me refine Heaven in Business's focus.

Much like Titus on the island of Crete—a tough environment filled with pirates and debauchery—we're called to equip and develop business leaders in challenging situations. Our focus became clear: we are here to serve leaders who are not only building successful businesses but also shaping their cities with kingdom values. This refined mission has raised my conviction and given me greater confidence in the work we’re doing.

Building with a Dual Focus: The Crowd and the Few

As we’ve grown, we’ve also sharpened how we serve different audiences. On one hand, we have a broad reach through resources like podcasts, books, and online content—what I call ministering to the “crowd.” These materials are for anyone who wants to access teachings, testimonies, and practical advice on partnering with God at work.

But we’ve also developed a more personal focus, which I refer to as training the “few.” This includes workshops, executive retreats, and one-on-one coaching. These smaller, more intimate settings allow for deeper connection, transformation, and long-term development. Whether it’s an executive retreat in Alaska or a mastermind in California, these gatherings provide a space for leaders to experience real growth and hear God more clearly in their work.

Practical Steps: Protecting Priorities

Through this process, I’ve learned how crucial it is to protect your priorities. One of the key exercises I recommend—first discussed in Episode 158 of our podcast—is creating an ideal schedule. For me, that meant setting aside the second and fourth weeks of every month for customer meetings, freeing up the first and third weeks for travel, workshops, and retreats. By structuring my time this way, I’ve been able to stay focused on the things that matter most while also remaining flexible for spontaneous opportunities.

New Book Launch: Listen Up! Hearing God at Work

I'm thrilled to announce that our latest book, Listen Up! Hearing God at Work, has just been launched. This book, co-authored by my wife Janine and I, is a culmination of years spent learning how to hear God in the everyday and apply His insights to real-world business situations. It’s packed with stories, practical exercises, and biblical principles to help you grow in confidence, clarity, and purpose.

In Listen Up!, we dive deep into:

  • How to hear God consistently in the workplace and beyond
  • Real-life examples of how business leaders have partnered with God to overcome obstacles and experience supernatural results
  • Daily exercises that will train you to recognize God's voice in your decisions and relationships

If you're serious about hearing God in your work and leading with clarity and purpose, this book is for you. Whether you're just starting your career or leading a multi-million-dollar company, Listen Up! will help you sharpen your spiritual senses and take your business to the next level.

Looking Forward: What We’re Refining for the Future

As we prepare for our next move to Tennessee, we're bringing with us the lessons we've learned about hearing God and refining our strategy. Our vision for Heaven in Business remains steadfast, but our focus is sharper than ever. We're excited to see what new opportunities await as we continue to help leaders like you partner with God and transform your business and your city.

If you're ready to hear God more clearly and align your work with His purposes, join us on this journey. Check out Listen Up! Hearing God at Work and become part of the Heaven in Business community where we offer ongoing support, training, and activation.

Visit to learn more about our programs, events, and the new book Listen Up!.