Lessons from Our Mini-Retreat (and how you can do the same)
Jan 09, 2024
Last week Janine and I went out of town for a couple days to have a mini-retreat, hear God and plan the year... without distractions. There's something special about getting out of your normal 'space' to get away and get a different perspective. Check out last weeks' blog and podcast to hear about how we prepared.
In this episode I highlight some of our key lessons and outcomes and encourage you to make the time to get away and hear God for yourself.
What did we do
We found a studio on a farm about an hour and a half away from home. It was a self-contained studio above a garage so all we needed. Being out-of-town it was super quiet with very few distractions so we could FOCUS.
We listened and discussed historical prophetic words on the drive over, then grabbed some groceries and cooked dinner together in the studio.
I had written out a list of all the topics I knew we needed to get clarity on so shared that with Janine and she picked what we discussed, and when.
Each day we got up, grabbed breakfast, had our own devotional time (listening for different thoughts or direction...) then went for a walk together. It was COLD! We would talk through topics on the walk but not specifics - so that we didn't miss writing anything down.
It was surprising how fast the day went! We went for another walk. Went for a drive to get supplies for dinner... and an ice cream. After dinner we talked some more then played a couple board games and it was time for bed!
The second day we had a visit to Global Awakening in Harrisburg so double timed it by also going to the Prayer Room in Life Center (church) and having lunch with some friends. The appointment with Global Awakening was an interview for Kings and Priests Conference. We then had the opportunity to sneak into Pursuit conference for the evening (Will Hart) primarily because this gave us extended time in worship.
Once again, the drive there and back was filled with conversation about what we are hearing and thinking and sensing and seeing.
By the third day I had a list of things to implement (that will probably take months) and a bunch of sticky notes on my laptop that I need to take immediate action on.
Leaving we had heard God, connected with one another, had fun, developed strategy and action and confirmed some great upgrades for the year.
What we learned in doing a mini-retreat together:
- Let go of the specifics and timing
- Hold onto connection
- Be tenderhearted
- Ask lots of questions
- Go for a walk.... and eat ice cream (regardless of the outside temperature!)
This is what some of the tangible outcomes were. Your own outcomes will be completely different but this gives you a little insight into our upcoming projects. We already had a big picture vision, purpose, mission and objectives. These further enhance that and clearly state what each of us is foucsed on.
✅ Multiply through discipleship
- Write curriculum that will give people the steps to experience similar testimonies that we have
- Make it easy to do by yourself or with a group
- Make it six sessions per module with a five minute summary
- Start with How to hear God at work, then How God see's your work...
✅ Launch another resource for the crowd (book): How to Hear God at work
✅ Prepare for increase now - "Get ready"
- Deal with disappointment of past delay
- Pay the money, invest the time (wardrobe update, bathroom repair, travel preparation...)
✅ Upgrade interaction, connection, activation
- Revisiting the conference schedule to facilitate regional connection and more table interaction
- Launch the community forum function of the Heaven in Business membership that facilitates conversation, connection and collaboration for growth
✅ Partner with our non-profit, The Hope Directive to fund identifying and activating catalytic leaders
- Walk with them (mentor/pastor/advisor) so that they grow relationally strong, stay on track and hit the mark without sacrificing family or wellbeing
- Fund the relationship so they are not burdened and so that we are not out-of-pocket
- Clearly identify them... calling to nations, life of excellence, godly character, proven track record, humble and responsive...
There is a lot more we are working on and hopefully this gives you a snapshot and some keys to get started for yourself. Even if you don't have a budget to get out of town, take a few hours or a Saturday, pack a lunch and go somewhere (even the local library) that is quiet and focused. There is always a way!
1. Meet in-person at the annual conference in February or at a regional workshop near you. Here's the conference link - Heaveninbusiness.com/conference-atlanta
2. Join us online to grow in your walk with God at work and experience the benefits! More information here - Heaveninbusiness.com/free-trial