237. Six Benefits of a Spiritual Director

Season #2

This year both Janine and I have engaged with a licensed Spiritual Director and we are going through a 10 month curriculum based on the spiritual exercises of St Igancius. To be candid, EVERYONE should do this! My individual walk with God is deepening, I am growing in confidence and trust and I look forward to my 1:1 calls each week that always recenter and refocus me on what is most important. Here's six clear reasons why you should do the same...

Read blog here: https://www.heaveninbusiness.com/blog/6-benefits-of-a-spiritual-director


- Grab a friend a commit to meet and grow together

- Join HeaveninBusiness.com/free-trial to access a wider community growing together on a weekly basis

- Contact us if you are looking for a paid spiritual advisor or director. We know some great ones!!!

- Check out AnamCara.com for a trusted source of spiritual directors.