134 In the room where it happened...

Season #1 Episode #134

Last week I was IN THE ROOM where some incredible things happened. It was our annual Heaven in Business conference and the theme was Kingdom Business. Here's a report that will GREATLY encourage you and release hope in midst of your world.

Listen and you will hear:

- Business multiplication 120% ($10M) in two weeks

- 90+minute budgeting process completed in TWO minutes

- Breast cancer disappears and is verified by doctor

- Kingdom of God is advancing at work and YOU are invited to grab hold of it (find out more Kingdominbusiness.org)

1. Salvation and Miracles

Previous attendees are sending their employees to conferences. We didn't know they were unsaved. One attendee from Alaska was so impacted by the love and power of God she was led to Jesus Thursday night by her fellow attendees.

One speaker had a dream Thursday night that he and I were embracing Bill and Beni and praying for their health. He DID NOT KNOW what is happening with Beni. As he shared this with me a 22yr old woman walked in with her parents asking to attend one day. Turns out she is brand new oncology nurse and one week ago diagnosed with aggressive form of breast cancer. We got ALL in room with cancer to stand and surrounded them and prayed for healing. WHILE WE WERE PRAYING one man received phone call from doctor saying he was all clear. Many were greatly impacted. Later report the 22yr old went to healing rooms Saturday and by end of day lumps were reduced in size and pain gone. She went back to doctor the following Tuesday and the report is attached. NO SUSPICIOUS MASSES, NO ABNORMALITY, NO MALIGNANCY. 

2. Guests

We had 215 guests plus our team and speakers. Although we had personally had contact with many of them through Heaven in Business travel and online activity, this was the FIRST time to Redding for about three quarters of them. We had people from east coast to west coast of USA plus Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Germany, Philippines, Indonesia, Austria, England....

We got the entire group to pray multiple times for Ukraine/Russia conflict. Turned out there were a number of Ukrainians and Russians in the room (US residents) so we surrounded them. One married couple was Ukraine husband and Russian wife who had not been able to have children. Powerful prayer moment.

12 local businesses came in to the conference on Friday and we had the guests activated to pray for them. Excellent reports.

3. Immediate Application.

The testimonies we are hearing back are SUPER encouraging. Here's a couple emails:

"I cant thank you enough for facilitating the recent Heaven in Business conference.  We really didn't know what to expect but we were so filled up!!! I have been a Christian my whole life 48 years and somehow the revelation of Kingdom came alive in a whole new way!! I am so excited to know, understand and explore the kingdom of God on earth!!!

I was physically healed during conference which is a side note.  Monday morning at 7 am we laid hands on my employee and God healed him instantly! He was so shocked.  It was a conformation we are doing the right thing and more to come.  I felt super compelled to start a prayer meeting immediately.  We had our first one today and there was 9 of us.  I was so blessed I feel elated.  I am so excited for the fire that was started and its just the beginning. Pray for us as we continue to pray and look for opportunities to bless our clients and business around us."


"Last week in Redding at the HIB conference was life-changing for me and my wife. A time we will never forget and my wife was totally healed (back/knee)!  I’ve been to every Heaven in Business Redding main conference since January 2018: this conference was a qualitative shift that reflects the season that we are in right now.

I am living, thinking, acting differently and seeing an entirely different level of breakthrough because of the transformation and impartation that I received at this conference this year.

Something very special is happening here. We are grateful to be working in the Family Office with all of you!"

One guests' Takeaways:

  • This conference wasn’t about me, or you, it was about US, the royal members of the Kingdom of God.
  • We have immense authority in prayer within business to further the Father’s purposes our lives. It should be no less a strategic asset inside a company than your finance group or your marketing group.
  • When it’s deployed strategically, it can transform our situation and bring us more into alignment with the Father’s way of doing Kingdom business.
  • We work for the biggest Family Office in the universe.
  • We are the spiritual and financial stewards of the family and business assets God has entrusted to us.
  • We have been given these assets so they might grow, be a blessing in the earth, and further God’s purposes of His Kingdom of Love to come to earth.
  • We are here to create a rich divine inheritance at every level, to shift the atmosphere of every city we live in, and to transform every person and system of this world that we touch.
  • Our Father’s influence, authority, wisdom and power is unrivaled and unmatched anywhere in the world. We have full access to it.
  • We have authority over all systems of this world - regardless of who’s currently operating them.
  • That’s not a statement of pride, that’s the situational reality - on earth as it is in Heaven.
  • When we are stewarding our Father’s resources and when we need something done, we pray, we gain the spiritual intelligence required to align the systems of this world to do what our Kingdom business requires. We have authority over the systems of this world.
  • We don’t move solely in business understanding and best practices ( the world can do that), we also move in divine Love, wisdom and understanding, spiritual and emotional intelligence, power and authority. We are powered by the Spirit of God.
  • We have the authority to transform the systems of this world to become the systems of our Lord and of his Christ.
  • We can do this because our lives and our work are aligned with the Kingdom of God. Because we know this and live out of this confidence, we reflect the lovingkindness and gentleness of our Father; we transform every person we encounter with His love; we are His fragrance in the earth.
  • Every transaction we make leaves His mark of Grace.
  • People don’t forget us because the aroma of Heaven is upon us.
  • And lastly, the most important takeaway from Michelle Raftery: "When we cross the eternal finish line and look behind us, our family members must cross with us, or our successes are for naught." Thank you Michelle, I needed to SEE that. (Credit - Paul van Hoesen, Nashville, TN)

4. We are going ALL IN

The topic of the Kingdom was the most significant theme that Jesus talked about. So we are doing the same. If you want to know more, get activated and advance the Kingdom of God in and through your work jump onto this FREE resource - KingdominBusiness.org then join us on the live calls May 2-6: How to Activate Kingdom Business