Authentic Conversations with Andy & Janine Mason

Authentic Conversations with Andy & Janine Mason

Hosted by: Heaven in Business

Life can be messy. The first step to successfully navigating faith, family and business is an authentic conversation. Andy and Janine Mason get real and raw sharing personal stories, insights, mistakes and lessons...


128. Business Planning with Jesus

Season #1 Episode #128

Is goal setting and planning with Jesus any different to 'ordinary' goal setting? Do you just make up best educated guess for the year or is there some secret formula to work out where you will be? Here's three simple...
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125 Free Book to Start Your Year

Season #1 Episode #1

Happy New Year! This is a short post to wish you the very best and thank you for being a listener to this podcast! As we wrap up 2021 and jump into 2022 I want you to be setup to succeed. The best I know how is to...
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124 Merry ‘Christ-in-your-mess!‘

Season #1 Episode #124

Welcome to the messy intersection of faith, family and business! Jesus, Savior of the world came directly into mess. - a messy stable - a messy relationship - a messy pregnancy - a messy nation under Roman control - a...
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123 We Divorce Poverty

Season #1 Episode #123

Lately I've observed a stark contrast between people that are in 'bunker mentality' fighting to survive in a 'war' (whether real or not) and those stepping up, standing out and advancing in family, in business and in...
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121 What I‘m Listening to Right Now

Season #1 Episode #121

In the messy intersection of faith, family and business we need an anchor... so we don't go crazy some days!!! An anchor keeps you stable and secure regardless of the storm. And the bigger the seas the bigger your...
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120 How God Views Your Work

Season #1 Episode #1

When you understand the significance of your daily work EVERYTHING changes. Here's seven keys how God views your work. I encourage you to search these out for yourself and let me know what impacts you as a result....
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118 Case Study: Building Online Business

Season #1 Episode #118

Ever wondered what it's like to get business direction from God and what happens as a result? Does that mean everything goes smoothly? How do you know what is your part and what is His part to do? Over the last few...
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116 Case Study: Dream House

Season #1 Episode #116

Ever wondered what it's like to experience miracle provision? Here's a case study of what happened for us in regard to our dream house. This is an example of dreaming with God and the practical steps we took to...
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113 Case Study: Did I Hear God?

Season #1 Episode #113

Last episode (#112) I unpacked eight keys to help make decisions... WITH God. I referred to one of our biggest decisions which was to leave the comfort and stability of our home in New Zealand and move the family to...
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112 How Do You Decide

Season #1 Episode #1

Last week my wife and I celebrated 23 years of marriage and 13 years being in the USA. Those were some significant decisions and time has proven them to be GOOD ones! So how do you decide? Whether that's a new product...
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109 The Key to Transformation

Season #1 Episode #111

This year I have been leaning into learning about the Kingdom of God. Reading books like The Unshakeable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person by E.Stanley Jones and The Cosmic Initiative by Jack Taylor. Plus interviewing...
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108 Vanity Metrics or Fruitful Endeavors

Season #1 Episode #108

Last week Janine and I dropped our second daughter to Cornell University. It was an experience! Here's some of what I learned and what I pray will help you also - whether you have children or not! - Generosity always...
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