Authentic Conversations with Andy & Janine Mason

Authentic Conversations with Andy & Janine Mason

Hosted by: Heaven in Business

Life can be messy. The first step to successfully navigating faith, family and business is an authentic conversation. Andy and Janine Mason get real and raw sharing personal stories, insights, mistakes and lessons...


110 This doesn‘t feel like Heaven in business to me!

Episode #112

Fires, floods, pandemics, politics...people - with all the craziness it sure doesn't feel like Heaven in Business to me! There is pressure coming on all sides and everywhere we turn we are faced with questions that...
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109 The Key to Transformation

Season #1 Episode #111

This year I have been leaning into learning about the Kingdom of God. Reading books like The Unshakeable Kingdom and the Unchanging Person by E.Stanley Jones and The Cosmic Initiative by Jack Taylor. Plus interviewing...
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108 Vanity Metrics or Fruitful Endeavors

Season #1 Episode #108

Last week Janine and I dropped our second daughter to Cornell University. It was an experience! Here's some of what I learned and what I pray will help you also - whether you have children or not! - Generosity always...
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107 Problem? No Problem!

Episode #107

*** THIS IS A TIMELY MESSAGE *** There are a few challenges around all of us right now. Individually. Corporately. Nationally. Globally. It's easy to feel overwhelmed and wonder how on earth we can get through it......
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106 How to Increase or Scale UP

Episode #106

Last week I got to run along the border between USA and Mexico. As I was running I had an epiphany about all the times I have prayed for God to give me favor and increase. This was the FIRST time I explored the...
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105 Will You LIVE or Stay Distracted?

Episode #105

Life seems to be awfully messy at the moment. Uncertainty was always around us but right now it's up front and personal. Everywhere I turn friends, clients and acquaintances are surrounded by upheaval. Yet, every time...
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104 Vacation Time

This week we took the family to San Diego for vacation. We had been saving up over 12 months and so grateful to be together before some of them head off for college. What about you? What does family vacation look...
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103 You Can't Do That

Season #1 Episode #103

Have you had someone you know and respect tell you you can't do something that is on your heart to do? What did you do? Shrink back and listen to the advice? Push back and discredit their advice and do it anyway? What...
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102 Power, Love & Tracy Evans

Episode #102

How do you grow in power? I asked this question of my friend, Tracy Evans. She is a Stanford University Medical School trained Physician Assistant. Her answer adjusted my perspective completely. I trust it will do the...
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101 Leadership Learning: Voice, Vision, Volume

Episode #101

The last 12months have been like a global leadership school. So how did you score? What did you learn? Even better, did you actually learn what you had the opportunity to learn (or do you need a do-over)? Here's three...
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