260. How to Integrate and Measure Kingdom Business

Season #2

In this episode, Andy Mason dives deep into the principles of Kingdom Business, exploring how to integrate the Kingdom of God into your work, regardless of your field. Drawing from his own journey from New Zealand to Northern California, Andy shares practical insights and foundational scriptures that have guided him in building Heaven in Business. This episode will equip you to partner with the presence and power of God in your business, ensuring that your work leads to life and thrives according to Kingdom principles.

Read the blog here: Heaveninbusiness.com/blog/how-to-integrate-and-measure-kingdom-business

Next Steps:

1. Access one page summary and assessment here: Heaveninbusiness.com/kingdombusiness

2. Grow in hearing God's voice here: HeaveninBusiness.com/HG30

Key Topics Covered:

  1. Introduction to Andy Mason:

    • Background in business consultancy and agriculture in New Zealand.
    • Journey to Northern California and involvement with Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
    • Founding and growth of Heaven in Business.
  2. Foundational Principles of Kingdom Business:

    • Scripture Highlights:
      • Mark 1:16: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand."
      • Matthew 6:33: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
    • Understanding the Kingdom of God:
      • The Kingdom of God is tangible and experiential.
      • Seek first the Kingdom in everything you do.
  3. Personal Story and Business Integration:

    • Transition from in-person ministry to launching an online business.
    • Importance of hearing and following God's voice in business decisions.
    • Developing a business model and overcoming challenges with faith and divine guidance.
  4. Practical Applications of Kingdom Principles:

    • Connection with the King: Maintaining a deep, ongoing relationship with God.
    • Moral Excellence: Ensuring business practices align with Kingdom values.
    • Life-Giving Systems: Designing systems and operations that lead to life and prosperity for all involved.
    • Spiritual Dominion: Demonstrating the power of God in business through miracles and wise stewardship.
  5. Impact Stories:

    • Real-life examples of Kingdom principles transforming businesses and communities.
    • Testimonies of miracles, both financial and physical, as a result of Kingdom business practices.

Resources Mentioned:

  • Recommended readings on the Kingdom of God by Jack Hayford, Jack Taylor, Myles Monroe, and Bill Johnson.
  • "God With You At Work" by Andy Mason.
  • Kingdom Business Assessment tool for evaluating your business alignment with Kingdom principles.

Next Steps:

1. Access one page summary and assessment here: Heaveninbusiness.com/kingdombusiness

2. Grow in hearing God's voice here: HeaveninBusiness.com/HG30