102 Power, Love & Tracy Evans

Episode #102

How do you grow in power? I asked this question of my friend, Tracy Evans. She is a Stanford University Medical School trained Physician Assistant. Her answer adjusted my perspective completely. I trust it will do the same for you.

Before entering the mission field, Tracy served in the U.S. Army and overseas as a Medical Officer for embassies and the Peace Corps. Through these credentials, Tracy has secured long-term resident visas in Muslim and Communist countries typically closed to missionaries. In country, she builds medical clinics and schools which in turn facilitate evangelism, discipleship and church planting. Tracy is now ministering in Mozambique, Africa. During the last 17 years in Africa, her team has planted 22 churches and provided daily nutrition and life-saving medical care for more than 7,000 at-risk orphaned babies, many with AIDS. iReachAfrica has also hosted leadership seminars for government officials and pastoral training, while building and operating schools for children, a vocational training center for adults, literacy programs and a prison ministry. The goal is bring all of Mozambique to Jesus Christ by pioneering and developing communities of Christian disciples.

Find out more about Tracy at iReachAfrica.org. My family has personally supported her work for years and I encourage you to do the same if you want your donation dollars to be FRUITFUL! If you listen to this and sense a stirring to GO, then reach out to her via the website or email [email protected].

The story of Tracy's life (so far!) is published as Outrageous Courage. Grab a copy for yourself and another to give away. Available on Bethel Store or Amazon