105 Will You LIVE or Stay Distracted?

Episode #105

Life seems to be awfully messy at the moment. Uncertainty was always around us but right now it's up front and personal. Everywhere I turn friends, clients and acquaintances are surrounded by upheaval. Yet, every time I have a conversation beyond the surface, it quickly becomes apparent that MOST of the 'upheaval' is a DISTRACTION. It may be an emotionally charged distraction, but it's still a distraction. It may be very real and very painful, but it's still a distraction. What about you?

Are you spending your time on what is most important or are you endlessly feeding on things you have no control over?

Are you making intentional steps towards what you were born for, or are you quickly turned aside by every else's hot-topic?

Are you dreaming with God and taking action, or are you distracted?

Good news is, regardless of where you find yourself, today is a great day to choose to dream again and choose to take intentional action towards those dreams.

I highly recommend Dream Big or Love Does by Bob Goff.

Grab a copy of Dream Culture: Bringing Dreams to Life - your guide to discover and take action.

Download a dream list and get started!

Download the Personal Discovery Chart here.

And don't hesitate to send me questions, comments or suggestions on [email protected]