121 What I‘m Listening to Right Now

Season #1 Episode #121

In the messy intersection of faith, family and business we need an anchor... so we don't go crazy some days!!! An anchor keeps you stable and secure regardless of the storm. And the bigger the seas the bigger your anchor needs to be.

Metaphorically, your anchor is the sum total of the daily disciplines that secure your soul. That may include physical exercise, eating well, relationships, fun... and what I want to emphasize in this episode: what we are listening to or reading.

In the midst of my busy schedule I have some key practices that make it possible for me to read a bunch of books every month, without taking away from all the other activities of work and family and fun. Here's my process and some of the ways that I am feeding myself:

1. Anchor your day and night. I start each morning by reading my bible. If I don't know where to read, my default is the book of proverbs that lines up with the day of the month.

In the evening I will read a few pages of a book - physical copy. This helps slow me down, center my thoughts and prepare me for sleep (I learned this off  my wife).

2. Anchor your margin moments. I don't have a bunch of free time in my day. But there is always a 20min drive if Im going into town and 20-30min if I'm going for a run or walk (if alone). I find that there is always time to double up listening while doing chores or exercising or doing something on the house.

3. Choose your anchor. Everyone is listening to something; you choose WHAT you will listen to. The default is social media and the news. That's never uplifting or building your future. So you have to intentionally choose what you will listen to - anchor YOURself. Here's what and how I'm doing that myself:

- Audiobooks: currently I'm listening to True Spirituality by Francis Shaeffer and have some half finished books including Business Adventures by John Brooks, YouTube Secrets by Sean Cannell and Dream Big by Bob Goff. Taking my son down to a cross country event over the weekend we listened in the five hour car ride (one way) to Living With a Seal (warning - rough language) and Band of Brothers.

- Physical books: the Bible (daily!) and current focus books. At the moment my favorite is Network Power: The Science of Making a Difference by David Seel. I also have some unfinished books beside my bed and in the drawer.

- Ebooks: currently I'm reading The Seed of a Nation by Darrel Fields. It's the story of William Penn and the "Holy Experiment" of Pennsylvania.

- Podcasts: I regularly listen to God is Not a Theory with Ken Fish and Ford Taylor Talks and a bunch of others as I feel inspired.

So what is your favorite book so far this year and are you an audiobook or physical book person?