126 Theme for 2022

Episode #125

Here's what I'm hearing God say for 2022, how I hear Him say it, and what that practically means for my year.

I was actually sick between Christmas and New Years which was certainly not fun. Some serious man-flu that we thought was COVID until the test came back negative. My biggest problem was just when I was 'almost' back to health I jumped into a big day doing some outside-the-house jobs that wiped me out and sent me back to bed for a further 24-48hrs. Listen to your wife, Andy!!!

So what did I hear God say for 2022?

1. Forget about what was and focus on what is about to be 

Forget what happened last year, and the year before, and the year before that. Don’t go over and over it in your head to understand or play through different scenario's of 'What if..." or "I should have..." Instead, focus on what’s ahead, because it is going to require all your attention.

You have grace for today, mercy for yesterday and hope for tomorrow. 

So let it go. 

Think Frozen, and Lion King. It's in the past... you can run from it or you can learn from it.
