133 East Coast Update - How are you navigating this?

Season #1 Episode #133

Here's a quick update on what's going on preparing to move from our home of the last 13 years, to the Pennsylvania in June, 2022. What emotions am I feeling and how do I handle that? (And if this is news to you, first listen to Podcast #127 Hearing God and Expanding to the East Coast)

1. Sadness

Redding is not a drive-thru city - I'm feeling the sadness of leaving people and a city I have invested in for over a decade. Grief is normal... when you have built into a community. Friends. Partners. Team. I am working on being ok with that and working through the feelings (kind of new for me!). I do have a professional counselor and wish I had her as part of my advisory team a couple decades ago!!!

In preparation of moving I am already planning ahead for who I will meet with on a regular basis so that I have eyes-on wise counsel and peers who can speak into my life.

=> who do you have in your life that actually knows you? What are you doing to build that around you?

2. Overwhelmed

When I think too far ahead of myself and all the details that need to be confirmed I feel overwhelmed.

I am working on being present. I have grace for today. I cannot control things in the future; I can control what I do today. I will do today what I need to do today and trust God with tomorrow.

=> where have you got ahead of yourself and fighting anxiety as a result? What is right in front of you that you need to focus on? How's your prayer life, trusting God for everything else?

3. Excited

Actually I'm feeling crazy excited. Things coming together as one. Simplified systems. Sharper focus. More robust online Heaven in Business membership community adding tactical business growth in partnership with Ray Edwards (Marketing), Ford Taylor (Leadership and Organizational Growth), Krish Dhanam (Sales), Patrice Tsague (Startup), Ken Fish (Healing, Deliverance, Prophetic...)...

And we are kicking off a Five Day Launch Process: How to activate Kingdom Business to help  understand, access and apply the Kingdom of God in your day to day work. Find out more and spread the word - KingdominBusiness.org

If you have any questions or comments please don't hesitate to contact me [email protected]