138 Why on Earth Would You Do THAT???

Season #1 Episode #138

God's way sometimes looks foolish. In other words, His way is not always the best strategy... from a human perspective. You can try to reason your way around it and you will always come up short. Bottom line is will you be led by the Spirit of God or will you settle for human wisdom? What is the best strategy? 

We are in Pennsylvania looking for a house for our family (see Episode 127: Hearing God and Expanding to the East Coast). We have been here for week. We thought we would have sold our California house and be in a position to make a strong offer over here. But it hasn't worked like we expected. We haven't yet sold our house. And we haven't yet found a house that we all love over here. That delay and disappointment and failed expectation reveals where my trust and faith really lie. The level of stress and irritability and feeling out-of-control would indicate that my faith is being invited to grow! (That's putting it nicely).

It also pushes on why on earth would we leave the 'best place on earth'? Why would we leave our dream house? Couldn't we just stay there and travel over here...? Surely we could make some arrangement? Think of all the uncertainty and expense and change in relationships and risk and potential loss and failure... Surely it would be a better strategy to keep our base in Redding, CA and not Pennsylvania, 3,000 miles east?

Yes that would be the easier strategy right now.

Then I have what God said.

You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s. John 16:23 

This foolish plan of God is wiser than the wisest of human plans, and God’s weakness is stronger than the greatest of human strength. 1 Corinthians 1:25 

The cross NEVER looked easy. Surrender and trust NEVER look easy. 

But will I trust Him even when I can't see it working?

I will.

So, HOW do you do that???

1. Remember He is your GOOD Shepherd. Psalm 23. He can lead better than you know how to follow. You are clueless compared to what He knows about what's best for you.

2. Remember the testimony. Reflect on and repeat to yourself the stories of God leading and providing in the past.

3. Don't let your heart get troubled. John 14:1 This is hard when surrounded by uncertainty. I need to keep declaring and praying and feeding myself with His voice, otherwise i do get troubled. Sometimes I need to phone a friend and ask them to pray. Sometimes I need to just go for a run and get some of the physical pent-up-energy released. Sometimes I need to put on worship music... the kind that is not passive or depressing! Sometimes I just need to stand still and realize I control a lot less of my life than I think. 

So, when the Son of Man comes searching will He find FAITH?