139 So Valuable It’s FREE!

Season #1 Episode #139

You may think I'm weird, but I have ALWAYS had a sense that there is more to life than following a set of rules or principles or fulfilling some form of Christian religious obligation. I believe that it is truly possible to walk in friendship the Creator of the Universe and this should be a daily experience (for everyone) in ALL of life... not just an event or 'quiet-time.'

The last decade I've been devoted to pursuing this partnership with God in all of life even more. We call it Heaven in Business. And the fruit has started to multiply - people all over the world partnering with God, following His voice, and getting wisdom and insight for day to day decisions. We have recorded over 700 testimonies ourselves but there truly are too many to count.

For the last two years I've gone deeper into what are the keys to live this out on a consistent basis. Everything points back to a clearer understanding of the Kingdom of God and my relationship with the King. This is called seeking FIRST His Kingdom, His way (see Matthew 6:33).

Ive been reading Myles Munro and Jack Taylor and E.Stanley Jones and Bill Johnson. I've rubbed shoulders with national faith-centered business leaders and refined the language and learning. And now we are ready to give it to you.

Why is it free? Because I received it for free - freely received, freely give. I want you to experience what I am experiencing. More so, I am RELYING on you to succeed! I will never be all I am called to be without you stepping into who you were born to be. You carry an aspect of the nature of God that all creation is longing for.

So don't wait, jump in! 

Here's how I can help you on your journey...

I'm doing  a one hour live call, daily, for the first week of May. Join me. I will give you the best keys I know to access and activate the Kingdom of God in your workplace. You will also get full access to interviews on the Kingdom of God that I did with Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and Shae Bynes. You can access that right now! AND you get the one page summary of 'What is Kingdom Business' that Shae and I put together with Patrice Tsague and Mark Caner - all proven practitioners of the Kingdom of God at work.

So, what's stopping you? 

Simply sign up at KingdominBusiness.org and I will see you soon!

In the meantime read the testimonies on Facebook.com/HeaveninBusiness and SPREAD THE WORD! 

It's so valuable, it's free!