184. How to Find Wise Counsel

Episode #183

A couple episodes back we talked about having and listening to wise counsel. This is the best strategy to keep you from doing or being stupid. If you keep wise counsel close you will make better decisions, stay focused, have more joy and finish strong. So... how do you FIND wise counsel?

Story 1 - New to country finding wise counsel - good and bad experience

Story 2 - New to location finding wise counsel - slow(?) experience

When I refer to wise counsel I am looking for practical wisdom with eternity in mind. In other words, I'm not simply looking for the best principles of the world; I'm looking for godly wisdom. With this in mind I am looking for three things:

1. Excellent at what is good

Do they have a reputation (which has nothing to do with platform or 'likes') for being really good at what they do? Have they invested in their own growth? Are they still growing? Would you buy goods or services from them? Are they good at their craft?

2. Innocent of evil

Do they have godly character, proven over time? What is their relationship like with those closest to them (spouse, children, parents..). How do they treat the people around them and around you - the personal assistant, your spouse or children, the janitor, the server...? Do they leave you feeling more or less energized? Do they leave you feeling more or less built up? Do they make you feel stronger or weaker?

3. Evidence of a walk with God

What is the current evidence of their authentic walk with God? What are they hearing Him say? Are they engaged with a community of believers? 

4. Do they have wrinkles?

Wrinkles are evidence of life experience: Don't ask an 18 year old for relationship advice. Generally speaking, the more mature people are, the more perspective they have on life because they have been around long enough to see fads and fashions come and go. They have observed life. As long as they are secure in themselves, and anchored in the fear of the Lord, they will have some great perspective for you.

5. Do they have body scars?

Are the scars septic or clean? If they still ooze toxic offense and bitterness then stay far far away. And if they don't have any body scars, they are not a guide - they haven't overcome their own challenges and are not qualified to guide you in yours. Anyone that has built anything significant - a marriage, a family, a business... WILL have body scars. These are difficulties or challenges they have had to overcome in order to build. And in doing so they have gained wisdom and perseverance and patience and perspective. Listen to those people!

So where can you find wise counsel?

1. Proven professionals - these are the ones you pay for. Their reputation and reviews, follow them. You find them by asking around your community... "Who do you know that is excellent at... can give me advice on...." And be prepared to pay for it. 

2. Business network and development groups

3. City fathers and mothers (not the position or title... the function)

4. Seasoned AND joyful church members

5. Heaven in Business and other like-minded organizations

Finally - ALWAYS Check - "You are going out as lambs amongst wolves. So be as innocent as a dove and innocent as a dove." DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE. Don't assume. Check the references and reputation. 

And if you would like to work with one of the Heaven in Business advisory team, contact them out by scrolling down on the https://www.heaveninbusiness.com/about page.