186 What Is God Saying Right Now?

Episode #185

We don't live by best practice or a business plan alone, we live by the word of God that we are listening for day by day (see Matthew 4:4). Here's Andy AND Janine sharing HOW we hear, WHAT we are hearing and how we are applying that to all that we do.

1. How do we hear?

We have a daily spiritual discipline of engaging with God in the Scriptures. This is one of the primary places and times God speaks (we are fully listening!). I then journal what I am hearing and often we discuss that as we walk the dogs around our neighborhood. This often results in more questions and interaction, such as Janine suggesting I was believing lies about "the crowd." That immediately resulted in a dialogue with the Holy Spirit, as we were walking, in which I repented of believing lies and got a new mandate which you can listen to on podcast episode #166

We also regularly engage with our local church, listen to podcasts and intentionally go to conferences and events that expose us to what God may be speaking on a regional or national basis. Recently we got to experience our first conference at Life Center in Harrisburg and I was greatly impacted by the messages from Todd White and Bishop Joseph Garlington. This was a wonderful time of listening, receiving and connecting with like-minded believers that encourage and inspire us in faith, love and good deeds!

In addition to the above, we are talking with business people around the world on a daily basis and each week have a live call with the Heaven in Business community where there are themes of what God is saying and doing, that become apparent.

2. What are we Hearing? 

Get going! God is with us. It's time to move on from here and advance, grow, expand, influence, take risk BECAUSE God is with us.

Exodus 33:1 and 14 - Get going and I will go with you

It's no longer business as usual. Don't just continue with what you were doing before, even if that was working. Pause and listen to the Holy Spirit and ask for new insight or strategy or focus or favor!

The time for favor is now. 2 Corinthians 6 and Ruth 2 - Ask for favor in the time of favor and the time of favor is now.

You've got nothing to prove and nothing to lose. Stop comparing. YOU BE YOU and get going with what is inside YOU!

3. How are we Applying what we are Hearing?

We are intentionally leaning in, learning, refining strategy and taking risk to expand. We started videoing our weekly podcast and you can subscribe to the youtube channel (See below). We were GIVEN brand new video camera and microphone and took this last weekend to paint the office, setting it up as a working studio.

We are asking Holy Spirit regarding all our weekly activities (live Heaven in Business call for example) and our upcoming events to listen for specific strategies and insights. For the Birmingham workshop coming up, we leaned in for speicific strategy how to do our marketing - the result was a significant jump in registrations in one weekend. 

We are testing our favor by reaching out to old and new contacts and exploring new possibilities. One of these is the Africa Adventure Missions trip in September. Another is a possible workshop in the UK and Germany in October. We are reviewing favor in connections we have had in the (recent) past and making sure those relationships are strong and valued. 

We are catching ourselves where we are making excuses or fear-based statements and remembering 'we have nothing to prove and nothing to lose' and GOING FOR IT.

So watch this space! 

If you want to join us in the momentum, try out seven days for free on HeaveninBusiness.com/free-trial

AND if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to email [email protected]