The Single Most Successful Key to Growth

authentic business growth community wise counsel Feb 12, 2025
Success keys business and life

What if I told you the key to breakthrough in your business, personal life, and long-term struggles isn’t another strategy, book, or course?

It’s intentional, consistent, and authentic community.

Not casual meet-ups. Not networking events where you swap business cards and never follow up.

Real, committed relationships where people show up, hold each other accountable, and commit to growth together.

Listen to the blog here:

Three Powerful Stories of Transformation

Over the last year, we’ve seen undeniable proof of how this works:

From Corporate Job to Church Turnaround: One individual left their corporate role to build their own company and expand their family. At the same time, they stepped onto the board of their church, leading it through a crisis after the senior pastor’s moral failure. One year later, the church has a new pastor, fresh vision, and so much momentum there’s a traffic jam of people trying to get in on Sundays!

Freedom from Addiction & Rapid Growth: Another struggled with porn addiction for years, trying everything to break free on their own. One decision to step into intentional community changed everything. They are now growing so rapidly in leadership and influence that people around them are asking, "What happened to you?!"

Breaking 50+ Years of Self-Sabotage: At an age when many think about retirement, this individual is expanding in wealth creation and Kingdom impact. They suddenly realized that thought patterns and behaviors that had sabotaged them for decades have seemingly disappeared.

What’s Their Secret?

It’s not a secret.

Their success wasn’t because they stumbled into the right friends. They chose to build intentional relationships with people committed to their growth.

You Can Build This for Free

You don’t need a special invitation to start. Here’s how to take initiative today:

🔹 Don’t wait for someone else. Set the invitation. Gather a small group. Meet twice a month over coffee or lunch.

🔹 Be clear about the purpose. This is about real growth, not just casual conversation. Lead by example—be vulnerable. What’s your most powerful, painful, or humbling situation right now? What one question, if answered, would change your world?

🔹 Create accountability. Growth happens when we show up, stay honest, and challenge each other. This is NOT a self-help or therapy group. This is about holding each other accountable to our God-given dreams and assignments to advance the Kingdom and destroy the works of the devil.

🔹 Lock in the next meeting before you leave. Whether it’s a client meeting, a group gathering, or a date night—set the next one before you leave. Put it in your calendars. This communicates, "YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME!"

Take It to the Next Level

Since my early days as an Agricultural Business Consultant in New Zealand, I’ve led business discussion groups. Since 2020, I’ve been leading multiple mastermind groups that are:

100% Christ-centered – Nothing is untouchable or unrepairable.
100% Business and workplace growth – No excuses.
100% Kingdom-advancing – Knowing and boldly stepping into your God-given assignment.

These groups are the most fruitful, productive, and enjoyable use of my time and talent.

At the same time, I personally have people who encourage, challenge, and push me toward greater Kingdom impact.

One of those people is Shae Bynes—a trusted friend, Kingdom business leader, and powerhouse in both spiritual and business growth.

Now, we’re officially launching something for you.

The Heaven in Business Mastermind with Shae Bynes

Shae is leading our first open-access Heaven in Business Mastermind Group.

What’s Included:
A six-month commitment
Two group calls (via Zoom) per month
All-access to collective wisdom & Kingdom business strategy
Shae’s proven leadership & mentorship
Complimentary access to the Heaven in Business membership platform

This is an exclusive opportunity for up to six people to experience deep transformation in their business and personal lives.

👉 Want in? Here’s more info and how to apply:
Heaven in Business Mastermind with Shae Bynes

Don’t settle for passive relationships. Be intentional. Commit to growth. Watch what happens.