My Best Coach
Mar 06, 2021
A couple years ago I dragged my wife into a meeting with a prominent business leader. I was convinced that she could help him. Why? Because I am the fruit of her help. Seriously!
We got into the meeting and the businessman asked me about my background. I rolled out the story of consulting, finance, agriculture etc. Then he turned to Janine and asked her background. When she started to talk about some of the seemingly insignificant or non-relevant roles she has filled, he noticeably lost interest.
Janine had a decision to make. Would she check out in the midst of dishonor or stay engaged and see what God would do.
She chose the latter... and here's what I got to observe:
A few minutes later the prominent businessman was outlining his great success on a whiteboard. It really was a phenomenal life displayed in front of us. We sat and listened and asked questions to clarify as he painted a wonderful story of success.
Then Janine did what I have come to know so dearly.
She asked a simple question:
"Where's your family in all of this?"
He suddenly turned and gave her full attention. She had put her finger on the one thing that was most vulnerable, most painful and most critical to EVERYTHING else he was painting on the board.
Family was his weakness.
He knew how to make money, lead teams, change cultures, influence a nation... yet he had no idea how to connect with his kids or love his wife. He wanted to; he just felt so naturally successful at work and so embarrassingly weak at home.
The conversation got really interesting
Janine led him through some simple ideas, beliefs and wise counsel that would help him engage where he most wanted to succeed.
By the end of the conversation he turned to us and said, "I've had many different well-known leaders sit on my couch and tell me some of the same things you have just said. But this is the first time I see a couple who actually LIVE it. You don't give me any excuse."
I don't know what he chose to do after that encounter but I do know I get to keep growing as a result of my wife's strategic and insightful questions and wise counsel. It's not always comfortable - she is not committed to my comfort. She is committed to my success. As I have (mostly) listened and adjusted with her input, the fruit of my marriage, my family, my business and my influence, is evidence that I am married to the best coach in the world!
Would you like to access my best coach?
We've been talking about how others could benefit from Janine's coaching and counsel. I work 1:1 with people and lead a handful of small mastermind groups. She is MY greatest coach and 'masterminder!'
So Janine is now going to offer private coaching for a limited number of people. She is also starting a mastermind group limited to five people.
If you are a leader and want to overcome your constraints, navigate pitfalls and succeed in the FULLNESS of life, then she will be perfect to work with you.
To find out more and jump on the waiting list click here for private coaching. This link takes you through to an application for that gives you some information and sets you up for a free conversation with Janine to clarify if this is right for you.
Click here to apply for the group mastermind. As above, this form will give and gather information to assess whether this group would be best for you.