How to Lead in Uncertain Times - Shae Bynes
Mar 06, 2021
In this podcast I interview a well known and seasoned leader (Shae Bynes of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur) on how to lead and make decisions in the midst of uncertainty.
Check out the full video and audio as part of a free 7 day membership trial with Heaven in Business here.
Listen to the podcast here.
Here's the questions that we covered:
- What is your leadership role/responsibility
- What has been the hardest decision recently you have had to make?
- How did you make it?
- What do you do when there is great uncertainty, no perfect answer, things you need to decide, and God is silent about specifics?
- Have you gotten decisions wrong? How do you lead knowing you won’t be right all the time and people/outcomes can be brutal?
- How do you overcome fear of failure or what people will say?
- How do you stay humble and not hard-hearted in most of adversity and/or injustice?
If you want to join us with LIVE DISCUSSION on zoom as I interview the next two speakers sign up to the Kingdom Leadership Series on
Find out more about Shae Bynes:
Shae Bynes is a passionate storyteller, bridge builder, and strategist who ignites and equips leaders to be catalysts for transformation in their spheres of influence.
Known as “Chief Fire Igniter”, she has reached over a half million aspiring and current entrepreneurs around the globe through her devotionals, books, courses, short films, and podcasts. Her teaching and mentoring provide inspiration and practical strategies for doing business in partnership with God for greater Kingdom impact in the marketplace.
Shae co-founded the Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur movement in 2012 and her most popular book Grace Over Grind: How Grace Will Take Your Business Where Grinding Can’t is shifting the way people live, work, and engage the world around them. Whether she is sharing on platforms publicly or consulting privately, you can expect Shae to deliver an abundance of truth with love, grace, and contagious joy.
Shae holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Masters of Business Administration from the University of South Florida and University of Florida respectively.
Shae has been married to her husband Phil for 21 years and is mom to three beautiful daughters, ranging from toddler to college student. She has a healthy addiction to sunshine and water and calls the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area her home.