Is that God Speaking or Your Fear Talking: How Do You Know the Difference?

discernment faith fear hearing god hearing god's voice peace Jul 30, 2024
Hearing God's voice

In the fast-paced world of business, decisions often need to be made quickly. For those integrating faith into their professional lives, a crucial question arises: how do we discern whether it's God's voice guiding us or our fears talking? This distinction is vital. Drawing from Chapter Three of Andy and Janine Mason's "Listen Up! Hearing God at Work," let's explore how peace can serve as a governor in our decision-making process.

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Does It Carry Peace?

One of the key indicators that you're hearing God's voice is the presence of peace. As mentioned in "Listen Up! Hearing God at Work," peace acts as a governor or decision-maker in our lives. This concept is rooted in Scripture:

  • “I will appoint peace as your governor and righteousness as your ruler.” (Isaiah 60:17b GW)
  • “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)

As a disciple of Jesus, the peace of God is the Spirit of Christ ruling in the ‘control-center’ of our being (see John 14:27, 33 and Ephesians 2:14-17). Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). We choose to let peace rule or the absence of peace govern our decisions.

Practical Application

The original word for ‘rule’ means to arbitrate or govern. This translates to umpire, decide, determine, direct, control, or rule. Essentially, the peace of God, by His Spirit within us, becomes our decision-maker. The presence of peace confirms a 'yes,' while the absence of peace indicates 'no' or 'not now.' A lack of peace might manifest as hesitation or a 'check' in your spirit.

Real-Life Example: Andy's Story

Andy shares a profound experience in "Listen Up! Hearing God at Work." With a background in banking, finance, and agriculture, Andy was invited to join a startup providing e-banking services to an unbanked population. The opportunity matched his technical background and heart for missions, promising a good financial return.

Initially, Andy felt a deep sense of God's presence and peace, confirming his decision to proceed. However, at the final moment of signing the commitment, he experienced a strong sense of hesitation. Despite the logical fit and prior peace, Andy chose to trust this new hesitation and declined the opportunity.

Understanding Hesitation

This story underscores the importance of recognizing when peace shifts to hesitation. Even without a logical reason, Andy's decision to follow the absence of peace was crucial. This teaches us to trust God's guidance, even when it leads us away from seemingly perfect opportunities.

The Role of Fear

Not all hesitation is divine; sometimes, it stems from fear. When God asks us to step out of our comfort zones, hesitation might arise from a lack of confidence or doubt in our abilities. Negative self-talk and fear can cloud our discernment.

In "Listen Up! Hearing God at Work," Andy shares how fear of self-promotion held him back from leadership roles. With wise counsel and a commitment to face his fears, he grew into new leadership positions, learning to distinguish between fear-based hesitation and the voice of God.

Next Steps 

Discerning God's voice from fear requires patience, practice, and faith. Remember, God's guidance brings peace and confidence, while fear leads to anxiety and doubt. By integrating daily spiritual practices, seeking wise counsel, and utilizing available resources, you can strengthen your ability to hear and follow God's voice.

1. Send us your questions around hearing God in the workplace: [email protected]

2. Upgrade your clarify in hearing God's voice and your confidence integrating divine guidance into your workplace: access our 30-day guide to hearing God at work and grab a specially priced, early release, signed copy of Listen Up! Hearing God at Work:

3. Don't want the guide? Grab a pre-release, signed copy of the book here ($19.95 + $6.97 P&H, USA only)