How to Navigate the Messy Journey of Faith, Family and Business with Mike Thakur
Aug 12, 2024
In a recent conversation between Andy Mason and Mike Thakur, the two entrepreneurs shared invaluable insights on integrating faith into business, making bold decisions, and navigating the challenges of life with purpose and conviction. Below is a step-by-step summary of the key lessons from their discussion.
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1. Follow the Favor
One of the most critical pieces of advice Mike Thakur offers is to "follow the favor." This means identifying areas in your life where you have seen success or where you naturally excel and leaning into those areas. If you’ve been successful in certain types of business or roles, it’s a sign that you might be on the right path. This approach helps you align your actions with where God’s favor is already evident in your life.
Action Step: Reflect on your past experiences and identify where you have seen favor and success. Make decisions that align with those areas.
2. Look for Glimpses of God's Plan
Mike talks about recognizing "glimpses" of what God might be leading you to. These glimpses could be recurring thoughts, dreams, or desires that align with God’s will. Often, these are things you talk about frequently or feel passionate about.
Action Step: Write down the recurring themes, dreams, or desires that have been on your heart. Pray about them and ask God for clarity on how these might be part of His plan for you.
3. Seek Wise Counsel and Pray with Others
When faced with tough decisions, Mike emphasizes the importance of not only praying but also involving others in your prayer life. Seek out trusted individuals who have a strong spiritual walk and are more interested in God’s will than worldly concerns.
Action Step: Identify a few trusted individuals in your life who can pray with you and offer godly advice. Make it a habit to consult them when making significant decisions.
4. Test the Waters – Take a Step of Faith
Both Andy and Mike agree that sometimes you need to take a step of faith to see where God is leading. This might involve testing an opportunity or taking a small risk to see if doors open or close.
Action Step: Identify a small step you can take toward an opportunity or decision. Take that step and observe the outcomes, remaining sensitive to God’s leading.
5. Push Through the Hard Times – Know When to Persevere
Mike shares how challenging moments can be a sign that you’re growing or being stretched by God. It’s essential to discern when to push through difficulties versus when it might be time to change direction.
Action Step: Evaluate the challenges you are facing. Have you done everything you can to persevere? If so, pray and seek counsel to discern if it’s time to push through or pivot.
6. Document Your Journey
Mike and Andy discuss the importance of documenting your experiences and God’s faithfulness. This not only helps you remember what God has done but also strengthens your faith during future challenges.
Action Step: Start journaling your journey with God. Record prayers, answered prayers, challenges, and victories. Use these entries as a reminder of God’s faithfulness.
7. Lean into Your Unique Story
Throughout the conversation, Mike emphasizes the power of embracing your unique story and using it to glorify God. Whether it’s through business, ministry, or personal decisions, your story can inspire and impact others.
Action Step: Reflect on your personal story and experiences. How can you share these to encourage others and glorify God? Consider writing a blog, sharing on social media, or speaking about your journey.
The journey of integrating faith into business and family life is filled with challenges, but as Mike Thakur and Andy Mason have shown, following God's leading, seeking wise counsel, and stepping out in faith are keys to navigating this messy intersection. By following these steps, you can find clarity and confidence in the decisions you make, knowing that you are aligning with God's purpose for your life.
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