How to Integrate and Measure Kingdom Business

hearing god kingdom business kingdom of god leadership Aug 07, 2024
Kingdom business

Welcome to the world of Kingdom Business, where faith and enterprise merge to create a powerful impact. In this blog post, we delve into the foundational principles of Kingdom Business, sharing practical steps and inspiring stories from Andy Mason, founder of Heaven in Business.

Listen to the podcast here:

Access one page summary and assessment here:

What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God represents God's sovereign rule and reign. It is His divine administration and operating system, characterized by grace and expressed through lives committed to Jesus Christ. The Kingdom of God is both internal (within us) and external (demonstrated outwardly). Jesus embodies the fullness of the Kingdom on earth, and anything not seen in Christ is not part of the Kingdom.

Key attributes of the Kingdom of God include:

  • Sacrificial Love 
  • Righteousness
  • Truth and Justice
  • Supernatural Peace
  • Mercy and Grace
  • Joy in all things
  • Unrivaled Power
  • Perpetual Increase
  • Displacing demons
  • Redemption
  • Restoration
  • Humility

We access and operate in the Kingdom through childlike faith and obedience to Christ.

Key Scriptures

  1. Mark 1:16 - "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand."
  2. Matthew 6:33 - "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

These scriptures emphasize the immediacy and accessibility of the Kingdom of God, encouraging us to prioritize it in all aspects of life, including business.

How the Kingdom of God is Expressed in Business

Business as a Vehicle for Kingdom Values

Business serves as a vehicle to add value to others, where money acts as a certificate of this value. A true Kingdom Business considers all stakeholders – people, planet, and profit. The Kingdom of God is experienced in business through the people involved and the culture they create, resulting in both temporal and eternal returns on investment.

Characteristics of a Kingdom Business Person

A Kingdom business person lives a godly life, led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, manifesting the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control). They grow in excellence and maintain a multi-dimensional framework of success, including:

  • Growing, right relationship with God (connection/obedience), self (purpose/calling), and stakeholders (love and honor)
  • Growing expression of Kingdom values demonstrated in the workplace
  • Growing innovation, integrity, and excellence in business systems, processes, practices, and results (people, planet, purpose, profit)

Measuring Success in Kingdom Business

Criteria for Success

  1. Connection with God: Is your connection growing?

    • Regular Check-ins: Evaluate your relationship with God. Are you seeking His guidance and growing in your connection with Him?
    • Dependence on God's Voice: Measure how often you rely on God's voice in your business decisions and actions.
  2. Moral Excellence: Is the decision the right thing to do?

    • Ethical Decisions: Reflect on recent business decisions. Were they made with integrity and a clear conscience before God?
    • Impact of Actions: Assess whether your business practices lead to positive, ethical outcomes.
  3. Life-Giving Impact: Is this system noble? Does it lead to increased life of all stakeholders?

    • Beneficiary Well-being: Evaluate how your business practices affect the well-being of employees, customers, and the community.
    • Sustainability and Growth: Consider if your business systems are sustainable and promote growth in a way that benefits all stakeholders.
  4. Spiritual Fruit:

    • Miracles and Breakthroughs: Track instances where God's power has manifested in your business, such as financial breakthroughs, healing, or relational restorations.
    • Kingdom Influence: Measure how your business influences others towards the Kingdom of God. Are you influencing the culture or is the culture influencing you? How engaged are you in discipling (influencing from a kingdom perspective) the employees, customers and community around you?

Key Takeaways

  • The world affirming a Kingdom business is NOT a measure of success. Success is defined by alignment with Kingdom principles and the tangible expression of God's kingdom through business practices.

Further reading:

  • Recommended readings on the Kingdom of God by Jack Hayford, Jack Taylor, Myles Monroe, and Bill Johnson.
  • "God With You At Work" by Andy Mason.
  • Kingdom Business Assessment tool for evaluating your business alignment with Kingdom principles.


Kingdom Business is about more than integrating faith with work; it's about allowing God's kingdom to permeate every aspect of your business. By prioritizing your connection with God, adhering to moral excellence, implementing life-giving systems, and demonstrating spiritual dominion, you can create a business that reflects the Kingdom of God and positively impacts society.


Next Steps:

1. Access one page summary and assessment here:

2. Grow in hearing God's voice here: