How to Hear God at Work with Matt and Jo Flegler

christian entrepreneur hearing god at work hearing god's voice recommended resource Jul 17, 2024
How to Hear God at Work with Matt and Jo Flegler

Welcome to a journey of faith, family, and business intersecting in the most powerful way. Matt and Jo Flegler, entrepreneurs from Australia, have navigated the complexities of life with remarkable faith, learning to hear God's voice in their personal and professional lives. Their story is not just one of overcoming obstacles but of discovering a profound relationship with God that has guided them through the darkest times. In this post, we unpack their journey and give you five practical steps to hear God in your life and work.

Listen to the podcast here:

The Background: Matt and Jo Flegler are no strangers to the entrepreneurial world. With a background in property development and owning a chain of barbershops, they faced significant challenges that tested their faith and resilience. Amidst financial struggles, mounting debt, and personal despair, they found themselves questioning their path and seeking divine intervention.

Matt's Journey: Matt grew up in a Christian home, attending church regularly and understanding the traditional practices of faith. However, as business pressures mounted, he felt the weight of trying to please God through his efforts alone. The turning point came during a particularly difficult season when he felt overwhelmed by failure and contemplated ending his life. In a moment of deep despair, Matt cried out to God and received a clear, audible directive: "Get back up on your faith."

This divine encounter marked the beginning of Matt's journey towards a more profound relationship with God. Through continued prayer and seeking guidance, he began to experience God's voice in various ways. These moments of divine intervention provided Matt with the strength and direction to persevere.

Jo's Journey: Jo's story is equally compelling. Growing up in a spiritually rich but financially struggling household, she developed a deep love for Jesus early on. Despite the dysfunction around her, she nurtured an intimate relationship with God through worship and prayer. Jo often sensed God's presence through feelings of peace and joy, guiding her decisions and actions.

As she navigated her professional life, Jo learned to recognize and trust these feelings as God's way of communicating with her. Whether managing family and business challenges or seeking solutions at work, Jo's ability to feel God's guidance helped her bring order and prosperity to chaotic situations.

Hearing God in Everyday Life: The Fleglers' journey of hearing God is a testament to the power of faith and the importance of seeking divine guidance. Their experiences offer valuable lessons for everyone looking to hear God's voice in their own lives.

Steps to Hear God:

  1. Seek a Relationship, Not a Transaction:

    • Approach God with a desire for a genuine relationship, not just for answers to problems. Spend time in prayer, worship, and reading scripture to cultivate this relationship.
  2. Ask for Help:

    • Don't hesitate to ask God for guidance. Be honest about your struggles and seek His direction. Remember that asking for help also includes reaching out to others who can provide support and wisdom.
    • Also, don't hesitate to ask for help from the people around you. 
  3. Be Attentive to Different Ways God Speaks:

    • God's voice can come through various channels—audible words, internal prompts, feelings of peace and joy, or even through other people and circumstances. Stay open and attentive to these different ways.
  4. Take Action:

    • When you sense God's guidance, act on it. Whether it's a direct instruction or a gentle nudge, taking steps in faith is crucial. Trust that God is with you and will provide the necessary resources and support.
  5. Persevere with Patience:

    • Hearing God's voice and seeing the results may take time. Persevere in your faith, even when immediate answers aren't apparent. Trust that God is working behind the scenes and will bring His plans to fruition in His timing.

Conclusion: Matt and Jo Flegler's story is a powerful reminder that God is deeply involved in our lives, ready to guide us through every challenge. By seeking a relationship with Him, asking for help, being attentive to His voice, taking action, and persevering with patience, we too can experience the transformative power of hearing God. Let their journey inspire you to tune into God's voice and embrace His guidance in every aspect of your life.

Next Steps

1. Get your copy of "How to Hear God at Work" by Matt and Jo Flegler on Amazon.

2. Visit to learn more about their program and how you can enroll.