How to Discover and Embrace Your Call - with Lou Engle

calling hearing god lou engle Jul 22, 2024
Lou Engle

Discovering your calling is a journey that involves personal reflection, spiritual practices, and active engagement with your faith and community. Here’s a guide to help you navigate this transformative process. This summary is from the life (and this weeks podcast interview) of Lou Engle, whose calling is to pray and mobilize prayer movements. Over the last three decades Lou has launched Pasadena for Christ, Rock the Nations, The Call, The Send, and currently, A Million Women (find out more here).

Listen to the podcast here:

Key Factors Influencing Lou Engle's Calling

  1. Family Heritage: The legacy of faith and ministry in his family provided a foundational sense of purpose and destiny.
  2. Early Encounters with God: Childhood experiences and a pivotal spiritual awakening post-college reinforced his commitment to pursue God wholeheartedly.
  3. Mentorship and Spiritual Leaders: Influences like George Kimber and Che Ahn played crucial roles in shaping his understanding of prayer, intercession, and ministry.
  4. Prophetic Dreams and Confirmations: Dreams and prophetic words provided direction and confirmation, guiding Lou's decisions and actions in ministry.
  5. Persistent Prayer and Fasting: A consistent practice of prayer and fasting cultivated spiritual discipline and positioned Lou to lead significant movements.
  6. Obedience and Faithfulness: Lou's willingness to stay faithful in challenging circumstances and his obedience to God's leading were critical in preparing him for larger platforms and broader impact.

Embrace Your Heritage and Background

Your family heritage and background can offer valuable insights into your unique purpose and calling. Recognize and appreciate how God has been at work in your life and family history to shape your destiny. Reflecting on your roots can provide a strong foundation as you seek to understand your calling.

Seek Personal Encounters with God

A genuine relationship with God is foundational to discovering your calling. Pursue God wholeheartedly through prayer, worship, and scripture. Cultivate a persistent desire for a deeper connection with God, as these encounters often lead to clearer direction and purpose in your life.

Pay Attention to Prophetic Confirmations

God often uses dreams, prophetic words, and spiritual leaders to confirm and guide your calling. Listen to these prophetic voices and keep a record of prophetic words and dreams. Take time to reflect on them for guidance and insight into your calling.

Engage in Persistent Prayer and Fasting

Develop a discipline of regular and intentional prayer. Prayer is crucial for hearing God’s voice and understanding His direction for your life. Incorporate fasting into your spiritual practices to enhance your spiritual sensitivity and align your heart with God's purposes.

Be Faithful in Small Beginnings

Start where you are and be faithful in the small tasks and opportunities God gives you. These seemingly small steps often prepare you for greater responsibilities. Embrace character formation through everyday experiences and challenges, allowing God to shape your character.

Seek Mentorship and Spiritual Community

Surround yourself with mentors and leaders who can provide wisdom, guidance, and encouragement. Engage in a faith community to find support and accountability in your journey. Learning from spiritual leaders and being part of a community of believers can significantly impact your discovery process.

Be Open to God’s Timing

Recognize that discovering and walking in your calling is a journey that unfolds over time. Trust God’s process and be patient, understanding that various seasons of life will contribute to your growth. Be obedient to God’s leading, even when it requires perseverance.

Take Public Action When Prompted

When God gives you a clear direction, step out in faith and take public action to fulfill your calling. Balance your spiritual practices with tangible steps that demonstrate your faith and obedience. Being bold in your actions can help bring your calling to fruition.

Remain Grounded in Scripture

Regular study and meditation on scripture provide a solid foundation for understanding and pursuing your calling. Let scripture guide you and allow specific passages to speak into your life and decisions. God’s Word is a reliable anchor throughout your journey.

Seek to Serve and Impact Others

A true calling often involves serving others and making a positive impact in their lives. Focus on serving and aim for transformation. Pursue a calling that seeks to bring revival and positive change to individuals, communities, and even nations.

Next steps:

Learn more about the Million Women Movement: 


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