A 30-Day Guide to Hearing God at Work

Daily emails with focused scripture, memorable quotes and practical mini-exercises.

Starts August 15

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Content based off the upcoming book:
Listen Up! Hearing God at Work

This short, daily guide will equip you with:

Clarity in decision-making

Tune in to God’s voice, providing you with the clarity and direction you need to make confident decisions in both your personal and professional life.

Strengthened faith

 By engaging with scripture and practical exercises, your faith will grow stronger as you recognize how God is speaking to you and guiding your steps.

Increased peace and confidence

With daily guidance from God, you’ll experience a profound sense of peace and confidence, knowing that you are walking in His will.

Deeper relationship with God

Through consistent practice, you’ll develop an intimate connection with God, hearing His voice more clearly and frequently.

Experience the difference of a life guided by God's voice!

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What's inside the 30-day guide?

1. Daily scripture

Start each day with powerful, relevant scripture that focuses your heart and mind on hearing God.

2. Inspirational quotes

Be inspired by handpicked quotes from Listen Up! Hearing God at Work that will encourage and challenge you.

3. Practical exercises

Apply what you learn each day with a five-minute practical exercise that builds your confidence in hearing God's voice.

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Meet the instructors & hosts

Andy & Janine Mason, Founders | Heaven in Business

Andy & Janine believe God still speaks today...

Years ago, after clearly hearing His direction, they left a thriving career in New Zealand to move to the United States and "start over" (with a house full of kids!), with the unique dream of seeing ONE MILLION businesspeople clearly demonstrate partnership with God in their place of work— distinguished from among their colleagues by the tangible presence and power of God.

They believe-- 

• God speaks to you-- even now

• When He speaks, it's our invitation to experience Him in everyday life and see the presence of the Kingdom

•  Hearing His voice-- and taking the next steps-- is more fun in community

They'll be your guides on this journey.

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What Others Say about the new book

John Bevere

Best-selling Author and Co-founder of Messenger International

God wants to speak to you more than you want to hear from Him. In Listen Up! Hearing God at Work, Andy and Janine Mason provide profound insights and practical advice, equipping you to recognize and respond to God's guidance in your everyday life, transforming your work into an act of worship.

Shae Bynes

Author, Grace Over Grind and Co-founder of Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur

Listen Up! Hearing God at Work is Biblical truth, vulnerable and transparent storytelling, and practical wisdom packaged together beautifully and powerfully for every believer who desires to experience God’s best in business (and life). I will be recommending this book often!

Dan McCollam

Author and Co-founder of The Prophetic Company

For anyone seeking the edge in business, Andy and Janine Mason unveil the greatest secret for Kingdom enterprise—follow the voice of Jesus! God’s voice releases the power to redefine reality and accelerate outcomes. Andy and Janine frame these helpful principles in a way that is accessible, biblical, and measurable.

What we will cover

Week 1: Foundations for hearing God 

  • Day 1: Believe You Can Hear God – Start with a powerful declaration that sets the tone for the next 30 days.
  • Day 2: Recognize God’s Voice – Reflect on past experiences and learn to identify His voice in your daily life...

Week 2: Daily practices 

  • Day 8: Morning Devotion – Begin your day with intentional Bible reading and prayer, setting a foundation for hearing God throughout the day.
  • Day 9: Prayer Journal – Keep track of your prayers and God’s responses, building a habit of active listening...

Week 3: Engaging in the workplace 

  • Day 15: Invite God to Your Work – Transform your work environment by praying for your tasks and colleagues.
  • Day 16: Listen for Guidance – Learn to discern God’s nudges and follow His lead in your daily activities.

Week 4: Deepening the practice. 

  • Day 22: Focus on Scripture – Meditate on key verses and apply them to your work challenges.
  • Day 23: Pray for Wisdom – Seek God’s wisdom in every decision, ensuring you’re aligned with His will.

Each day builds on the last, guiding you step-by-step towards a profound transformation in how you experience God at work.

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Bonus Offers with Purchase

After registering for the 30 Day Guide you will be offered the following upgrades:

$19.95 $14.95 + P&H | Signed Book

Personally signed copy. Early access to one of the first physical copies of the new book shipped direct to you, hot off the press. USA only. ($6.97 postage & handling) 

Free | Launch team access

Get an early invite AND the inside scoop as Andy prepares to release the book in the Heaven in Business series, later this year.

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Here's what you get:

✔️ Introductory zoom kickoff call 7:30pm EST Thursday August 15

✔️ Daily morning email for 30 days starting August 15

✔️ Daily focused scripture

✔️ Daily intentional quote from Listen Up! Hearing God at Work

✔️ Daily 5-minute curated practical exercise to develop in you confidence and clarity hearing God daily

✔️ Exclusive invitation to be part of the Listen Up! Hearing God at Work book launch team

Register Now!

What Others Say about the new book

Dr. Leif Heitland

Best selling author and Founder of Global Mission Awareness

This book is not an untried theory but a living experience of how to hear the voice of God and obey it! Some books are read and remembered, but a rare book becomes a life companion, kept close at hand during the storms of life. If you are in ministry, on mission, or in the marketplace, consider reading this book once a year for the REST of your life.

Reverend Joanne Moody

Agape Freedom Fighters and L.I.F.E School

Listen Up! Hearing God at Work is a brilliant compilation of biblical principles and powerful business practices that will prove that it is vital for everyone to hear God’s voice throughout each day, and it is the key to success in your business or employment. I consider Andy and Janine dear friends, and I have witnessed them living, loving, and leading out of the power of the Holy Spirit because they can hear the voice of God. 

Kris Vallotton

Best selling author and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church

Andy and Janine Mason are long-time friends and trusted leaders who have spent years equipping the body of Christ on the journey to know God and the depths of His Divine nature! You will be activated through tools and exercises that help you cultivate your ability to recognize God’s voice in your own life—and especially in your work.


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